International Legal Services

  • creation and management of virtual offices in various jurisdictions
  • incorporation and trust management of legal entities and funds in any jurisdictions
  • creation and management of trusts
  • structuring and management of assets of individuals, including for tax and inheritance sheltering; protection against hostile acquisition (real estate, aircrafts and sea vessels, securities, bank deposits, pieces of art)
  • creation and maintenance of family offices
  • bank account management
  • client representation throughout ongoing investment and other projects
  • comprehensive legal support of complex transactions in any jurisdictions (real estate, aircrafts, sea vessels, securities, mergers and acquisitions)
  • acting as a general legal advisor in complex transnational transactions and proceedings involving a large number of legal advisors from different jurisdictions


  • preparation of opinions on the issues of client interest
  • tax advice
  • preparation of legal documents
  • acting as an escrow agent
  • management of legal entity IPO
  • restructuring of indebtedness to banks and private creditors
  • organization and legal support of project financing
  • advice on process of becoming a permanent resident in various jurisdictions; coordination of the main legal matters arising from changing a permanent residence>
  • corporate law advice>
  • assistance in resolving legal disputes
  • creation and management of trusts
  • structuring and management of assets of individuals, including for tax and inheritance sheltering; protection against hostile acquisition (real estate, aircrafts and sea vessels, securities, bank deposits, pieces of art)


  • criminal defense throughout the Russian Federation, including the conduct of jury trials
  • representation of individuals and legal entities in various jurisdictions in cases involving criminal charges
  • organization and conduct of negotiation on client’s behalf
  • organization and implementation of alternative dispute resolution procedures (mediation)
  • representation in international arbitration and human rights courts in complicated legal disputes
  • representation in disputes with banks and other credit institutions, including in connection with seizure (blocking) of bank accounts
  • representation in arbitration and general jurisdiction courts throughout the Russian Federation


Our criminal attorneys represent clients in criminal economic and corruption proceedings. We represent legal entities and their employees, as well as individuals.


Creation and management of trusts. Incorporation and trust management of legal entities and funds in any jurisdictions. Bank account management

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